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  1. Environmental Conservation: Reduces landfilling and incineration, mitigating environmental pollution.
  2. Resource Recovery: Reclaims valuable materials like rubber, steel, and carbon black for reuse.
  3. Energy Savings: Reduces energy consumption associated with virgin material extraction and production.
  4. Carbon Footprint Reduction: Minimizes greenhouse gas emissions by promoting circular economy principles.
  5. Job Creation: Stimulates employment opportunities in recycling, manufacturing, and related industries.
  6. Economic Growth: Fosters investment, innovation, and entrepreneurship in the recycling sector.
  7. Cost Savings: Lowers waste management costs for governments, businesses, and consumers.
  8. Market Opportunities: Expands market demand for recycled tyre-derived products and materials.
  9. Sustainable Development: Supports the transition to a circular economy, promoting long-term resilience.
  10. Community Benefits: Improves public health, safety, and quality of life in communities affected by tyre waste.

The economics of tyre recycling underscore its critical role in tackling waste and driving sustainable change. By leveraging market opportunities, regulatory incentives, and technological innovations, tyre recycling not only addresses environmental challenges but also delivers economic benefits, job creation, and community development. As we navigate towards a more sustainable future, tyre recycling emerges as a cornerstone of circular economy principles, demonstrating that environmental stewardship and economic prosperity can go hand in hand.